Sunday 3 April 2011

Easter bitches

I say that for Easter that we arrange a meeting at someone's house and pig out wit chocolate and sweets :-) and then in the night we destroy town then :-) if u agree then say hell yer :-)

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Info on some events we could do :-)

Any bowling fans? Well your in luck because bowling is like £2 on a Wednesday :-). LC2 does a 241 deal on Tuesday so that always an option. Much love Ron xxx 

Friday 4 March 2011

Movie Night. (14)

Right, first challenge of the summer. Movie night (14), text around to find a house, if we can't get a house it's going to be (39/40) going out for a meal, taking each other on a date.

16th March.


The ring leader.

The list.

0.Drug an animal and whach it die (optional..)
1.Go to the beach
5.Roast Marshmallows
6.Road trip
7.Hire a minibus and go somewhere
8.Drink all day - miss two days of your life. DRINKING GAMES.
9.Sweetie day
10.Fast food day
11.Fiurework/ Bomfire/Lanterns
12.Visit Penbray
13. Visit Tenby
14.Movie (Horror/ Comedy)
15. Natural Campfire (matches for backup)
16.Skinnie Dipping
17.Hide and Seek
18.Build an EPIC sandcastle
19.Poker (strip) night
20.Buy chalk and cover the Swansea wall
21.Katie's Garden Party. SUPER SLIDE
22.Tie-dye shirts
24.Bubble Party
25.Water balloon fight.
26.Go to the zoo - kidnap a penguin/ hump a monkey
27. Chloe's musical night. just Chloe. All night. Musicals.
28.Town most nights. Fancy dress.
29.River fun
30.Summer fest
31.Day in Cardiff.
34.Vaughan and Stacy's gig
35.Swimming in the sea and pool
36. Mumble's arcade
37.Record everything we do (pictures, movies..)
38.singleton park and picnic.
39.Date night. ;)
40.Sushie/ Chinese/ Indian night.
41.Make cakes
42.Go down the Marsh.
43. All nighter
44.Hatti's naked twister
45.Chloe's tea party with Brandy (middle class)
46.Write letters/ postcards/ post-it notes to each other
47.Fancy dress day
49.Crash a party/ wedding/ funeral?
50.bubble wrap ourselves and roll down a hill
51.Egg and flour and paint fight.
52.truth or dare
53Cow tipping
54.Make a world record.
55.Pizza party
56.get lost
57.Night Nurse challenge
58. Karaoke
59. Make a movie - Benny Hill theme tune.
60. Open a map, point somewhere and go there.
61. Be somebody for a day
62. Underwear race
63. Sports day
64. Kite flying
65. Live in a cave for a day
66. Oragami day
67. PJ party
68. Get something pierced/ tattoo
69. Face painting
70. Selotape someone to a wall/ tie someone to a tree
71. Give someone a haircut
72. Roll people down a hill.
74. xmas day.
75. day out with the lecturers
76. Rock climbing
77. jelly fight
78. Get through summer alive (optional)
79. run and jump off something
80. surfing. body boarding. rubber dingy-ing
81. day off
82 skype day
83 Vaughan is the ring leader for the day
84 Treasure hunt.
85 Harry potter day
86. sneak into the cinema
87. brownies and scouts night
88. Ann Summer's party
90. celebrate birthdays
91. sex war. Vaughan and Chloe. 
92. midnight feast.
93. get the lecturers presents
94 day with andrew, nat and sarah
95 somebody dye their hair a mad colour
96 art attack day. MAKE A GIANT ART ATTACK
97 massive doodle on the beach
98 Smurf day. Morph day for Keelan and James..
99.Flash dance
100 End of summer party.
